How to master the crypto checkout
Hi I’m Matt. In this video, I’m going to show you how you can master the cryptocurrency checkout – and build a crypto payment journey that converts. Here at BVNK, we process billions in digital currency payments each year. We’ve been testing and tweaking our hosted payments page – and this is what we’ve learnt.
So, let’s get started. First up: optimise for mobile
Lots of crypto payments take place on mobile – it’s around 40% of the payments we process at BVNK. Screens on older devices are often smaller, so make sure you’re using responsive design to cater for these.
Another common mistake is not testing buttons across devices. In a crypto payment, your customer usually needs to copy your wallet address. Whatever device they’re on, you’ll want to make sure that ‘copy’ button works as it’s meant to.
Next: localise. Here at BVNK we process crypto payments from customers in over 100 countries.
We’ve learned that localising your payment experience helps build trust. For the best payer experience, detect their browser locale, but also give them the option to change the language if they need to.
No. 3: Get the details right. Crypto payments don’t work in the same way as card or bank payments. There are specific things you need to get right, to avoid failed payments and frustrated customers. For example: Stablecoins like USDC and USDT can be supported by multiple blockchains. These are sometimes called the ‘protocol’ for the stablecoin.
Make sure you clearly display the protocol, or blockchain network you want your customer to use, so they feel confident making the payment. Sending stablecoins over the wrong network can lead to lost funds, so be prescriptive.
Another example is destination tags. If your customer is making a payment to an XRP wallet that requires a destination tag, make sure you let them know. If they don’t add it, their payment might be delayed or worse, they could lose their money.
So, things can get complicated with crypto payments. But your customer shouldn’t feel like it’s complicated.
No.4 Use language in your prompts that is simple and easy to understand.
And don’t assume your customer will know what to do next. For example, if you display a QR code with your wallet address, tell your customer what it’s for, by adding the words: ‘Please send this amount to this address’
Number 5: wallet integrations
Like online bank payments, the cryptocurrency payment journey can be disjointed. Your customer needs to open their crypto wallet and push a payment to the address you give them. By providing integrations with popular wallets like Coinbase and Metamask in your checkout, you can make this part of the journey easier.
And finally, number 6: always show your customer the amount in their local currency.
Imagine you’re going on holiday and are about to buy some foreign currency. You’d want to know what you were paying in your home currency, to get an idea of conversion rates and fees.
We’ve found through testing that it’s important to show your customer the equivalent transaction amount in their local currency, and to do this as early as possible.
So those are six things you can do to master the cryptocurrency checkout. Here at BVNK, we’re working with our customers to create the best possible crypto payment experience.
- What to check when optimising for mobile.
- Important details to get right with crypto payments to avoid failed payments and frustrated customers.
- More tips to improve payer experience and conversion rates.
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